Human Anatomy – Shadowing of Medical Personnel
Hinsdale High School
P.O. Box 46
Hinsdale, NH 03545
P.O. Box 46
Hinsdale, NH 03545
P: (603) 336-5984
F: (603) 336-7497
Contact: Ann Freitag
P: (603) 336-5984
F: (603) 336-7497
Human Anatomy – Shadowing of Medical Personnel
Year Program started: 1985
Max. Participants/Year: 15
Program Timeframe: three days during the school year
Academic Level Targeted: Grades 9-12
Racial/Ethnic Focus: Any racial/ethnic group
Type of Program: Career/academic planning, Education, Mentoring, Work-study
Program Attributes: For credit, Mentors/advisors provided
Program Acceptance Requirements: class year (grade 12), GPA/academic standing (B in biology), human anatomy class
Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: anatomy, pre-medicine, nursing, pathology, science (biomed)