The Young Scholars Program

The Center for STEM Education at Northeastern University
520 International Village
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

P: (617) 373-2036
F: () -

Director: Claire J. Duggan

Contact: Claire J. Duggan
P: (617) 373-2036
F: () -

The Young Scholars Program

Max. Participants/Year: varies

Application Deadline: early April

Program Timeframe: Monday - Thursday for 6 weeks in July and August

Academic Level Targeted:

Racial/Ethnic Focus: Any racial/ethnic group

Type of Program: Education, Internship/fellowship, , Research

Program Attributes:

Program Acceptance Requirements: class year (upcoming high school junior or senior), area of residence (must be able to commute to and from campus), strong interest and competence in math and science; recommendations required

Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: N/A