Achieving Excellence in Mathematics, Engineering & Science (AEMES)
AEMES Mentoring Office
44 College Lane
Northampton, MA 01603
Achieving Excellence in Mathematics, Engineering & Science (AEMES)
Academic Level Targeted: College
Racial/Ethnic Focus: Any racial/ethnic group
Type of Program: Education, Research, Mentoring, Career/academic planning
Program Attributes: Non-credit, Mentors/advisors provided
Program Acceptance Requirements: matriculation at this school (Smith College), disadvantaged status (most, but not all participants, are students of color and/or first-generation college students)
Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: all STEM fields
Additional Comments: AEMES provides a variety of opportunities to students in STEM at Smith College including early research experiences, peer mentoring, connection with faculty mentors, support for the transition to college from high school academics, community-building events, leadership opportunities, career advising. AEMES Research Scholars (20 per year) are selected by invitation only while Peer Mentoring, Early Research, and McKinley Honors Fellowship Program (all fall within the AEMES programming) are open to all.