Nursing Program

Roxbury Community College
1234 Columbus Avenue
Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120

P: (617) 541-5313
F: (617) 427-4689

Director: Angela MacDonald

Contact: Peggy McGettigan
P: (617) 541-5313
F: (617) 427-4689

Nursing Program

Max. Participants/Year: 40/day - 32/evening

Application Deadline: mid March

Academic Level Targeted: College, Retraining

Racial/Ethnic Focus: Any racial/ethnic group

Type of Program: Career/academic planning, Education

Program Attributes: For credit, Counseling provided

Program Acceptance Requirements: matriculation at this school, GPA/academic standing (test of essential academic skills -TEAS), high school graduation or GED, college placement tests, pre-requisite courses

Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: anatomy, biology, education (health, science), nursing, science (health)

Additional Comments: The program is designed to prepare graduates for the National Council Licensing Exam in Practical Nursing (NCLEX-PN).