Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program

Wesleyan University
222 Church Street
McNair Program, Albritton Center 2nd Floor, Rm 212
Middletown, CT 06459

P: (860) 685-3165
F: (860) 685-2991

Director: Ronnie Hendrix

Contact: Ronnie Hendrix
P: (860) 685-3165
F: (860) 685-2991

Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program

Year Program started: 2007

Max. Participants/Year: 25

Application Deadline: March 30

Program Timeframe: academic year (including 10-week summer research program)

Academic Level Targeted: College

Racial/Ethnic Focus: African American, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Other Hispanic, Mexican American, Native American, Puerto Rican, White Non-Hispanic

Type of Program: Career/academic planning, Counseling, Education, Internship/fellowship, Mentoring, Research

Program Attributes: Non-credit, Housing provided, Stipend provided, Counseling provided, Mentors/advisors provided

Program Acceptance Requirements: matriculation at this school (must be a Wesleyan undergraduate), disadvantaged status (first generation, underrepresented groups, low income), GPA/academic standing (2.7 GPA but will work with all)

Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: anatomy, biochemistry, biology, bio (cellular), bio (molecular), biophysics, biotechnology, chemistry, economics, education (health, science), education, genetics, pre-pharmacology, physics, psychology, public health, science (biomed), science (computer, mathematical), science (environmental health), science (social, behavioral), science (health), statistics/biometrics/biostatistics, zoology, all academic areas encouraged to apply

Additional Comments: All undergraduate majors are considered.