Secondary Program in Teaching High School Biology

Salem State University
352 Lafayette Street - Department of Biology
Salem, MA 01970

P: (978) 542-6236
F: (978) 542-6863

Director: Mark R. Fregeau

Contact: Mildred Hoover
P: (978) 542-6236
F: (978) 542-6863

Secondary Program in Teaching High School Biology

Max. Participants/Year: 15

Program Timeframe: academic year

Academic Level Targeted: College,

Racial/Ethnic Focus: Any racial/ethnic group

Type of Program: Education

Program Attributes: For credit, Counseling provided, Mentors/advisors provided

Program Acceptance Requirements: matriculation at this school (Salem State College), class year (college students, post-baccalaureates), GPA/academic standing (high school diploma or GED)

Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: biology, education

Additional Comments: This program (biology/major and education/minor) is available for undergraduates and post-baccalaureates.