If you have participated in a BSCP program (student conference, symposium, skills workshops), we encourage you to list your participation in BSCP on your resume!

Assabet Valley Regional Technical School
215 Fitchburg Street
Marlborough, MA 01752

P: (508) 263-9881 Ext:1471
F: (508) 460-0479

Director: Ellen Santos

Contact: Ellen Santos
P: (508) 263-9881
F: (508) 460-0479

Practical Nursing Program

Year Program Started: 1973

Max. Participants/Year: 50

Application Deadline: Rolling admissions

Program Timeframe: September - June

Academic Level Targeted: retraining, post-secondary

Racial/Ethnic Focus: any racial/ethnic group

Type of Program: education, career/academic planning

Program Attributes: non-credit, financial aid provided, mentors/advisors provided

Program Acceptance Requirements: high school diploma or GED, examination, interview, references

Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: nursing