If you have participated in a BSCP program (student conference, symposium, skills workshops), we encourage you to list your participation in BSCP on your resume!
20 Church Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Year Program Started: 2000
Max. Participants/Year: 12
Application Deadline: February 1
Program Timeframe: year-round
Academic Level Targeted: college, retraining
Racial/Ethnic Focus: any racial/ethnic group
Type of Program: education, career/academic planning, career advancement
Program Attributes: for credit, financial aid provided, counseling provided, mentors/advisors provided
Program Acceptance Requirements: matriculation at this school, Acceptance is by application only
Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: biology, physics, sonography
Additional Comments: The pre requisites for application include completion of the following College level courses:
Math 175 Algebra with trigonometry ( 3 Credits)
ENG 101 English Composition (3 credits)
PHY 111: Physics with a lab (4credits)
Anatomy and Physiology I with a lab ( 4credits)
Anatomy and Physiology II with a lab (4 credits) ( completed within past 5 years)
All must be completed with a grade of C or higher to be eligible for application