If you have participated in a BSCP program (student conference, symposium, skills workshops), we encourage you to list your participation in BSCP on your resume!
66 Lilalyn Drive
Fairfield, CT 06825
Research Associates Programs
Year Program Started: 1993
Max. Participants/Year: unlimited
Application Deadline: varies each semester
Program Timeframe: fall, spring, and summer academic semesters
Academic Level Targeted: college, post-baccalaureate
Racial/Ethnic Focus: any racial/ethnic group
Type of Program: research, internship/fellowship
Program Attributes: non-credit, Research Associates (RA) programs are in hospitals around the country
Program Acceptance Requirements: letter of support from college's health professions adviser
Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: pre-dentistry, pre-medicine, all pre-health professional students