If you have participated in a BSCP program (student conference, symposium, skills workshops), we encourage you to list your participation in BSCP on your resume!
Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing
200 Mill Hill Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06610
200 Mill Hill Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06610
P: (203) 384-3220
F: (203) 384-3046
Director: Dorothy Connolly
Contact: Gail Tucci
P: (203) 384-3220
F: (203) 384-3046
Central Sterile Processing Program
Year Program Started: 2001
Max. Participants/Year: varies
Application Deadline: varies
Program Timeframe: 10 days for 3.5 weeks; Feb-July; 4 per year
Academic Level Targeted: grades 6-8, grades 9-12
Racial/Ethnic Focus: any racial/ethnic group
Type of Program: education
Program Attributes: non-credit, counseling provided, mentors/advisors provided
Program Acceptance Requirements: high school or GED
Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: education (health, science), science (health)