If you have participated in a BSCP program (student conference, symposium, skills workshops), we encourage you to list your participation in BSCP on your resume!
North Shore Community College
1 Ferncroft Road, DS-203A
Danvers, MA 01923
1 Ferncroft Road, DS-203A
Danvers, MA 01923
P: (978) 762-4000
Director: Young Bae Kim
Contact: Young Bae Kim
P: (978) 762-4000
Max. Participants/Year: 18
Application Deadline: Open enrollement
Academic Level Targeted: college
Racial/Ethnic Focus: any racial/ethnic group
Type of Program: education
Program Attributes: for credit
Program Acceptance Requirements: matriculation at this school (Students must declare and register for their major as the Biotechnoloty program), Math and Communication proficiency
Primary Science Discipline(s) Targeted: bio (cellular), bio (molecular)